Fall 2013
Meet One of Our Graduates
Eduardo Roland Castro from Tejutla in the department of San Marcos was helped by our program to finish his medical degree from 1999 to 2001. His family had worked hard to help him begin his medical classes but at the end of his third year it became impossible for them to continue helping him. According to Eduardo he had decided to abandon his studies and illegally immigrate to the US in order to earn some money when a friend told him about Progresa and he decided to ask for our help. We accepted him because of his good grades and he was able to graduate as a general practioner. Some years later he returned to school became a specialist in internal medicine. Later still he became certified in Intensive Medicine. He has worked as head of the department of Intensive Medicine at the national hospital in Xela and also in San Marcos. Both positions represent an extremely high level of achievement for one of our students but he has now left these high status jobs to open his own office in San Marcos where according to him there are very few medical specialists.
Eduardo contacted us by telephone in July when he received one of our letters. According to him, he had not received any of our earlier letters or Boletines and had lost contact with us completely before a family member passed this letter on to him. He arranged to visit with us while we were in Quetzaltenango. When we spoke with him, he expressed his appreciation to the program for the help he had received and told us that if it hadn’t been for our help in finishing his studies his life would have been very different. A very important gesture was that during the visit he gave us a check which repaid Progresa for the entire portion of his stipend which was given as a loan. He also agreed to let us make a short video of him thanking Progresa for its support. The video was taken with one of our point and shoot cameras so the audio is not great but we have posted it on Youtube if you would like to see it. The link is: http://youtube.com/hDKPOXYOwr4